Alice Taylor is a best-selling author who is a native of Co Cork, Ireland. She is best known for her book ‘To School Through the Fields’ which was first published in 1988. The publication of the book brought Taylor to national and international attention. She continues to write and to date is the author of several best-sellers.
Alice Taylor was born in Lisdangan, Newmarket, Co Cork in 1938. Born into a farming family she was educated by the Infant Jesus Sisters at Drishane Convent in Millstreet Co Cork. Having completed her education, Taylor worked as a telephonist in Killarney and Bandon. Following marriage she settled in the village of Innishannon, about 20km west of Cork city. She continues to live in Innishannon and is very involved in the local community.
Alice Taylor was born in the year 1938 On This Day.
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